I watched Elizabethtown tonight. At first, I wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. Especially at the beginning, it seemed like it was merely trying to play off of the mood and feeling of the opening of Garden State; it had that same quality of emptiness to it. I think, in fact, that it was supposed to have that quality to it.

But as the connection between Orlando Bloom’s and Kirsten Dunst’s characters began to gain depth, so too did the depth of the film. The idea of an unlikely relationship developing between two unlikely peopl, all with the backdrop of dealing with the death of a family member is just unbelievable enough to make it work. There was definitely a chemistry between the two characters and while it definitely had a romantic quality to it, it went beyond that, too. I think that’s what I liked about it.

Like all of Cameron Crowe’s films, the music played a huge part of the movie, and I really loved how the music (which was practically its own character at the end of the film) framed the action.

Ultimately, though, it was the characters and their relationships that drove the heart of this movie. It’s definitely worth a viewing.